Thursday, August 28, 2008

Her name in this world.....

Today I went. went to the place that marks my daughter's name. gives her life. gives my pain and heartache an identity. Today I went to the park to see her tree, her plaque, her place in this world. I went alone. I told no one. I went early in the morning when the park was empty. and I said hello to her place. her name in stone. An amazing peace came over me. A feeling of togetherness, connection, love, faith came over me. Now she has a place. THANK YOU!!! Becca, Gale, Sarah, Noelle, Lindsey, Denise, Denise, Mike, Wendy, Bob, Challeen, Pam, Kim, and anyone else that had a hand in this. You do not know how much this means to Tim, to our family. Thank you for honoring my daughter's memory in such a beautiful way.


Erica Scafe said...

It's really beautiful. What a wonderful memorial for Leah.

Amy of Oaks and Acorns said...

i'm so glad you went...

it's nice to have a spot, isn't it? a 'home' for her. we go there all the time now. and avery's tree is so big we can see it from the road and it always feels good knowing she's there. i before the tree was planted, i'd go to the spot at night and look up at the stars and feel an amazing connection to my girl in heaven. there i was. in her place (they had marked it, but hadn't planted it yet) and it really was like sharing the same space with her again...

we found out we were pregnant with her on christmas day. and each year some unknown person (i have my suspects!) goes the week before christmas and hangs red bow all over her tree. and it always makes me cry... but in a good way, you know? like someone else is thinking of her. and when it was first planted, delaney brown used to go to the park and take all her friends to the tree and tell them all about avery. and the tree is so big now that just the other day we drove by and i saw a family on a blanket sitting in it's shade.