Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Person I Am....The Life I Live

I am a Christian. I am a Christian woman. Christian wife. Christian mother. Christian teacher. Christian friend. Christian daughter. Christian sister. Christian aunt. I am a follower of Christ. I am a believer of Christ. I am a Christian.

What makes a Christian? A Christian is defined as a person who believes that Christ Jesus died for their sins, and provides them the only way to heaven. It is through Christ that I will receive eternal life.

How can I exemplify Christ in my life? By living a life filled with the fruit of the spirit, a life filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Who do I hope to be on a daily basis? I hope to be a Christian, in my words, actions, deeds, and thoughts. I hope that the fruit of the spirit shine through me daily. I hope that I do not pass judgment on others based on their words,actions, deeds, and thoughts.

The Reality: Sin is in my life, in my words, in my actions, in my deeds, and in my thoughts. I live in a sin-filled world. I have been known to (at some time or another, or even everyday):
fall asleep before praying and while praying
eat without offering thanks
skipping church to sleep in
say an unkind thing about another person
think an unkind thought about another person
be hurtful
be mean
be ugly
be deceitful
be an awful person
question God's will.....

YET...despite my sin, despite my brokenness, despite my straying thoughts, despite my unkind words, despite my wobbly faith....
My LORD is a forgiving God!! He grants me the Grace and Mercy I so easily hold from easily forget to grant myself...
Thank you Lord for loving me, guiding me, and forgiving me...May I learn to love, guide, and forgive others as you do me!!!

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