Sunday, October 26, 2008


WOW!! What a week...and amazing, fabulous, joy-filled week!! I feel so blessed to call me family! I have the most amazing husband and the most beautiful girls. My heart fills with both joy and tears every night when my two girls say their prayers...their prayers which include their angel sister Leah. Every night they pray for Leah and send their kisses to heaven! I am so grateful for their love for their sister...and their faith in our Lord which gives them the knowledge that our Leah Faith is dancing with Jesus in heaven!! fabulous hubby just gets hotter and more fabulous by the day!! Yesterday he granted me the greatest gift of all...the gift of a day in the "City" with 3 of my fabulous the "O-You" seminar put on by Oprah's magazine "O". We got to see Nate Berkus and Stacey London...two people I love!! THe grand finale was a visit from Oprah!! The day was absolutely amazing!! And it re-fueled my energy!! Oprah spoke about the need for us to embrace our paths...our journies... THat is so difficult...yet so necessary for optimal healing! I pray that the Lord can enable me to embrace my path...embrace my journey...embrace my road...embrace my pain...embrace my sorrow...embrace my healing!!!!

Ella and Caroline are absolutely amazing!! THey are growing by the minute...changing by the second...and filling every second of our lives with LOVE!!

Here are a few pictures of our past week :)

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