Because of you, Leah Faith Davis,
I vow to be a better mother
I vow to be a better wife
I vow to be a better daughter
I vow to be a better sister
I vow to be a better friend
I vow to be a better teacher
I vow to be a better person
Because of you....and the gift that you were, are, have been, and will always be...the gift of you as my daughter! I held you for only a moment in my arms, but for a lifetime in my heart!
Because of you, we honor and celebrate your life and stillbirth...this weekend....on the 1st anniversary of our loss!!
Daddy, your sisters, and I piled into the car for a peaceful and serene weekend. We started the weekend with a visit to your tree...and my goodness was it ever so BEAUTIFUL!! Beautiful because of the pink flowers...and beautiful because of the love poured onto the tree from our friends. Our sweet loving friends decorated the tree with the most beautiful bows with delicate little crosses hanging from the bows!
Mommy and daddy were overwhelmed with love for you and for our amazing support system! After our visit to your tree, we headed to the coast for a two night stay in Bodega Bay. The weather was foggy, yet beautiful! We showered your sisters with love and attention as we spent the weekend focusing on our family...
We love you sweet Leah...and not a day goes by that you are not in our thoughts or on our hearts....we still dream of turning back time...
Happy 1st still-birthday Leah Faith Davis!!
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