Happy birthday to the most wonderful mom, mother-in-law, grandma we could EVER ask for!! You are such a blessing to our family. We are so thankful for all of the love and support you give to each of us. Thank you for taking so much time out of your day to love, spoil, and bond with our girls. Thank you for dropping everything in your life to help us when I delivered Leah. Thank you for running by my side, encouraging me, and supporting me through all of the races in my life. You are an amazing person and I am so lucky to get to call you mom. We wish we could have celebrated with you today!! We all love you. Happy Birthday!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom, aka Grandma!!!
Happy birthday to the most wonderful mom, mother-in-law, grandma we could EVER ask for!! You are such a blessing to our family. We are so thankful for all of the love and support you give to each of us. Thank you for taking so much time out of your day to love, spoil, and bond with our girls. Thank you for dropping everything in your life to help us when I delivered Leah. Thank you for running by my side, encouraging me, and supporting me through all of the races in my life. You are an amazing person and I am so lucky to get to call you mom. We wish we could have celebrated with you today!! We all love you. Happy Birthday!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Miss Sassypants and her new hairdo!
I finally gave up! An entire summer of chasing a screaming 2 year old around, pinning her down, and brushing her hair under duress has caused me to finally reach my limit. I sat on my couch on Monday and decided that it was finally time to get Caroline her first haircut. After a quick phone call to my dear friend, on call beauty expert extraordinaire Lisa, I decided on a "bob" cut without bang. As we arrived at the salon, Ella decided that she should get her haircut first to show Caroline how to sit still. What a GREAT big sister!!

Run, Mama Run...
Within days of losing Leah, my wonderful mom had an idea that we should sign up for the Santa Cruz Wharf to Wharf race. A simple 6 mile race...simple for her because she is a crazy marathon running woman!! For me this was a near impossible fete. We signed up anyways, and I marked the date on my calendar. I have been working out at the gym, so I knew that in a worst case scenario I could at least walk the race. The most I have ever run in my life is 3 miles. Saturday came and we ventured over to Santa Cruz for a beautiful weekend with my parents. They ever so kindly booked a great family room one block from the Boardwalk for us all to stay in. Of course our girls were in HEAVEN because they love taking trips with grandma and papa. We spent Saturday venturing around Santa Cruz, the beach, boardwalk, and wharf.

Sunday morning I awoke early, nervous about the adventure that lay ahead. My mom was our running because she is just crazy enough to obsess over her daily mileage!! In her amazing desire to support me she decided that she would run 13 miles BEFORE the race and then run/walk the race at my pace. After she returned from her morning run we ventured down to the race. WOW, what a scene! 15,000 people crammed in one area, readying themselves for a 6 mile race. We were so thankful that our hotel was a block away because the lines for the 30 porta potties were out of this world!! When the gun was fired, and the race began, we were all walking and slowly jogging in a cattle car stampede fashion. Within a quarter of a mile there began to be a little more room to spread out. I paced myself, nervous of tiring to quickly. As we rounded the first big bend and began to climb the big hill that lay ahead we encountered our first band. Every 1/2 mile of the race is celebrated by a band....serenading us on our journey. The morning was foggy and cool, and standing on the grassy hill was a Scottish bag-piping band. Our first thoughts were of grandpa, my mom's dad who passed away in January. I immediately thought of him, and moments later my mom spoke the words playing in my head. The memories of grandpa. It was at that moment that I felt my first push towards success. I was immediately reminded that I was not running alone. I was running with those I have loved and lost. I thought about God's plan for my family...about why Leah's life ended before she took her first breath. I truly believe that God has a great and awesome plan for my sweet baby and our family. As I neared mile 5, STILL RUNNING, it finally dawned on me...maybe this is God's plan for me. Maybe he wants me to become healthy and whole. To find a passion, a way to stay fit, a way to stay healthy, a way to heal. Each step of my 6 mile journey was in honor of my baby. As my body began to tire, my muscle growing weaker, my endurance fading, I drew strength in the knowledge that God was there cheering me on, showing me that my baby Leah Faith was resting safely in His Son's arms. As I crossed the finish line I felt as though I had climbed Mount Everest! As my mom put her arm around me, I knew at that moment that God does all things for the good. It still hurts, still sucks, still breaks my heart....but I know that I am not running this race alone. I am blessed to have an amazing network of friends and family who love me and lift me up when I am feeling down...and I have the most amazing family in heaven cheering me on...each step of the way!! Thanks mom for being my running partner, during the race and in my life on a daily basis. I am so blessed to have a mom that is not only my mommy...but also my best friend. I love you so very much!!
Sunday morning I awoke early, nervous about the adventure that lay ahead. My mom was our running because she is just crazy enough to obsess over her daily mileage!! In her amazing desire to support me she decided that she would run 13 miles BEFORE the race and then run/walk the race at my pace. After she returned from her morning run we ventured down to the race. WOW, what a scene! 15,000 people crammed in one area, readying themselves for a 6 mile race. We were so thankful that our hotel was a block away because the lines for the 30 porta potties were out of this world!! When the gun was fired, and the race began, we were all walking and slowly jogging in a cattle car stampede fashion. Within a quarter of a mile there began to be a little more room to spread out. I paced myself, nervous of tiring to quickly. As we rounded the first big bend and began to climb the big hill that lay ahead we encountered our first band. Every 1/2 mile of the race is celebrated by a band....serenading us on our journey. The morning was foggy and cool, and standing on the grassy hill was a Scottish bag-piping band. Our first thoughts were of grandpa, my mom's dad who passed away in January. I immediately thought of him, and moments later my mom spoke the words playing in my head. The memories of grandpa. It was at that moment that I felt my first push towards success. I was immediately reminded that I was not running alone. I was running with those I have loved and lost. I thought about God's plan for my family...about why Leah's life ended before she took her first breath. I truly believe that God has a great and awesome plan for my sweet baby and our family. As I neared mile 5, STILL RUNNING, it finally dawned on me...maybe this is God's plan for me. Maybe he wants me to become healthy and whole. To find a passion, a way to stay fit, a way to stay healthy, a way to heal. Each step of my 6 mile journey was in honor of my baby. As my body began to tire, my muscle growing weaker, my endurance fading, I drew strength in the knowledge that God was there cheering me on, showing me that my baby Leah Faith was resting safely in His Son's arms. As I crossed the finish line I felt as though I had climbed Mount Everest! As my mom put her arm around me, I knew at that moment that God does all things for the good. It still hurts, still sucks, still breaks my heart....but I know that I am not running this race alone. I am blessed to have an amazing network of friends and family who love me and lift me up when I am feeling down...and I have the most amazing family in heaven cheering me on...each step of the way!! Thanks mom for being my running partner, during the race and in my life on a daily basis. I am so blessed to have a mom that is not only my mommy...but also my best friend. I love you so very much!!

Monday, July 28, 2008
What's in a name
I sat here trying to name my blog...I felt the pressure of creating a witty title which would encompase the theme of our life. Whispers of Faith....whispers of faith...Whispers of Faith...yep, that's our name. 4 months, 7 days, and 6 hours ago our sweet baby Leah Faith entered our life. She was in our lives for a moment, yet holds our hearts for a lifetime. As I laid in bed waiting to deliver my stillborn daughter I kept thinking of how my dreams had been crushed. Yet I also knew that I had two amazing girls at home, waiting for their mommy to resume her "normal" life. I thought of all the statistics...the marriages that fail, the families that fall apart, the people who walk away from God...because their dream was crushed. The night before I delivered my sweet baby girl I thought of my need to overcome that statistic...the need to be apart of a strong marriage, a devoted family, a dedicated follower of Christ. That is the moment that the Leah's middle name came to me....FAITH....Faith makes all things possible. On March 20, 2008 at 2:02 pm my Whispers of Faith began. My journey through life as a daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend, teacher. survivor of a stillbirth began. And on that day, I commited to honor my daughter, Leah Faith Davis, through my words, actions, thoughts, love, joy, peace, and faithfulness. I committed to allowing the whispers of faith to shine through me, and through my amazing husband Tim, and sweet girls Ella Christine and Caroline Grace. Today is the day I have decided to share my journey, my walk, my whispers of faith!

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